dc.contributor.author | Abreu, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Adam, W | en |
dc.contributor.author | Adye, T | en |
dc.contributor.author | Agasi, E | en |
dc.contributor.author | Ajinenko, I | en |
dc.contributor.author | Aleksan, R | en |
dc.contributor.author | Alekseev, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Allport, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Almehed, S | en |
dc.contributor.author | Alvsvaag, S | en |
dc.contributor.author | Amaldi, U | en |
dc.contributor.author | Amato, S | en |
dc.contributor.author | Andreazza, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Andrieux, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Antilogus, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Apel, W | en |
dc.contributor.author | Arnoud, Y | en |
dc.contributor.author | Åsman, B | en |
dc.contributor.author | Augustin, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Augustinus, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Baillon, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Bambade, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Barao, F | en |
dc.contributor.author | Barate, R | en |
dc.contributor.author | Bardin, D | en |
dc.contributor.author | Barker, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Baroncelli, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Barring, O | en |
dc.contributor.author | Barrio, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Bartl, W | en |
dc.contributor.author | Bates, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Battaglia, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Batyunya, B | en |
dc.contributor.author | Baubillier, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Baudot, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Becks, K | en |
dc.contributor.author | Begalli, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Beilliere, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Belokopytov, Y | en |
dc.contributor.author | Belous, K | en |
dc.contributor.author | Benvenuti, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Berggren, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Bertrand, D | en |
dc.contributor.author | Bianchi, F | en |
dc.contributor.author | Bigi, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Bilenky, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Billoir, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Bloch, D | en |
dc.contributor.author | Blume, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Blyth, S | en |
dc.contributor.author | Bocci, V | en |
dc.contributor.author | Bolognese, T | en |
dc.contributor.author | Bonesini, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Bonivento, W | en |
dc.contributor.author | Booth, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Borisov, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Bosio, C | en |
dc.contributor.author | Bosworth, S | en |
dc.contributor.author | Botner, O | en |
dc.contributor.author | Bouquet, B | en |
dc.contributor.author | Bourdarios, C | en |
dc.contributor.author | Bowcock, T | en |
dc.contributor.author | Bozzo, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Branchini, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Brand, K | en |
dc.contributor.author | Brenke, T | en |
dc.contributor.author | Brenner, R | en |
dc.contributor.author | Bricman, C | en |
dc.contributor.author | Brillault, L | en |
dc.contributor.author | Brown, R | en |
dc.contributor.author | Bruckman, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Brunet, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Bugge, L | en |
dc.contributor.author | Buran, T | en |
dc.contributor.author | Burgsmueller, T | en |
dc.contributor.author | Buschmann, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Buys, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Caccia, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Calvi, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Rozas, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Camporesi, T | en |
dc.contributor.author | Canale, V | en |
dc.contributor.author | Canepa, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Cankocak, K | en |
dc.contributor.author | Cao, F | en |
dc.contributor.author | Carena, F | en |
dc.contributor.author | Carrilho, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Carroll, L | en |
dc.contributor.author | Caso, C | en |
dc.contributor.author | Gimenez, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Cattai, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Cavallo, F | en |
dc.contributor.author | Cerrito, L | en |
dc.contributor.author | Chabaud, V | en |
dc.contributor.author | Charpentier, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Chaussard, L | en |
dc.contributor.author | Chauveau, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Checchia, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Chelkov, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Chierici, R | en |
dc.contributor.author | Chliapnikov, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Chochula, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Chorowicz, V | en |
dc.contributor.author | Cindro, V | en |
dc.contributor.author | Collins, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Contreras, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Contri, R | en |
dc.contributor.author | Cortina, E | en |
dc.contributor.author | Cosme, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Cossutti, F | en |
dc.contributor.author | Crawley, H | en |
dc.contributor.author | Crennell, D | en |
dc.contributor.author | Crosetti, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Maestro, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Czellar, S | en |
dc.contributor.author | Dahl-Jensen, E | en |
dc.contributor.author | Dahm, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Dalmagne, B | en |
dc.contributor.author | Dam, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Damgaard, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Daum, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Dauncey, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Davenport, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Silva, W | en |
dc.contributor.author | Defoix, C | en |
dc.contributor.author | Ricca, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Delpierre, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Demaria, N | en |
dc.contributor.author | Angelis, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Boeck, H | en |
dc.contributor.author | Boer, W | en |
dc.contributor.author | Brabandere, S | en |
dc.contributor.author | Clercq, C | en |
dc.contributor.author | Vaissiere, C | en |
dc.contributor.author | Lotto, B | en |
dc.contributor.author | Min, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Paula, L | en |
dc.contributor.author | Saint-Jean, C | en |
dc.contributor.author | Dijkstra, H | en |
dc.contributor.author | Ciaccio, L | en |
dc.contributor.author | Djama, F | en |
dc.contributor.author | Dolbeau, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Donszelmann, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Doroba, K | en |
dc.contributor.author | Dracos, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Drees, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Drees, K | en |
dc.contributor.author | Dris, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Dufour, Y | en |
dc.contributor.author | Dupont, F | en |
dc.contributor.author | Edsall, D | en |
dc.contributor.author | Ehret, R | en |
dc.contributor.author | Eigen, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Ekelof, T | en |
dc.contributor.author | Ekspong, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Elsing, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Engel, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Ershaidat, N | en |
dc.contributor.author | Erzen, B | en |
dc.contributor.author | Santo, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Falk, E | en |
dc.contributor.author | Fassouliotis, D | en |
dc.contributor.author | Feindt, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Fenyuk, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Ferrer, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Filippas, T | en |
dc.contributor.author | Firestone, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Foeth, H | en |
dc.contributor.author | Fokitis, E | en |
dc.contributor.author | Fontanelli, F | en |
dc.contributor.author | Formenti, F | en |
dc.contributor.author | Franek, B | en |
dc.contributor.author | Frenkiel, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Fries, D | en |
dc.contributor.author | Frodesen, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Fruhwirth, R | en |
dc.contributor.author | Fulda-Quenzer, F | en |
dc.contributor.author | Furstenau, H | en |
dc.contributor.author | Fuster, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Galloni, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Gamba, D | en |
dc.contributor.author | Gandelman, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Garcia, C | en |
dc.contributor.author | Garcia, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Gaspar, C | en |
dc.contributor.author | Gasparini, U | en |
dc.contributor.author | Gavillet, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Gazis, E | en |
dc.contributor.author | Gele, D | en |
dc.contributor.author | Gerber, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Gibbs, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Gillespie, D | en |
dc.contributor.author | Gokieli, R | en |
dc.contributor.author | Golob, B | en |
dc.contributor.author | Gopal, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Gorn, L | en |
dc.contributor.author | Gorski, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Gouz, Y | en |
dc.contributor.author | Gracco, V | en |
dc.contributor.author | Graziani, E | en |
dc.contributor.author | Grosdidier, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Gunnarsson, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Gunther, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Guy, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Haedinger, U | en |
dc.contributor.author | Hahn, F | en |
dc.contributor.author | Hahn, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Hahn, S | en |
dc.contributor.author | Hajduk, Z | en |
dc.contributor.author | Hallgren, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Hamacher, K | en |
dc.contributor.author | Hao, W | en |
dc.contributor.author | Harris, F | en |
dc.contributor.author | Hedberg, V | en |
dc.contributor.author | Hernandez, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Herquet, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Herr, H | en |
dc.contributor.author | Hessing, T | en |
dc.contributor.author | Higon, E | en |
dc.contributor.author | Hilke, H | en |
dc.contributor.author | Hill, T | en |
dc.contributor.author | Holmgren, S | en |
dc.contributor.author | Holt, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Holthuizen, D | en |
dc.contributor.author | Houlden, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Hrubec, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Huet, K | en |
dc.contributor.author | Hultqvist, K | en |
dc.contributor.author | Ioannou, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Jackson, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Jacobsson, R | en |
dc.contributor.author | Jalocha, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Janik, R | en |
dc.contributor.author | Jarlskog, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Jarry, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Jean-Marie, B | en |
dc.contributor.author | Johansson, E | en |
dc.contributor.author | Jonsson, L | en |
dc.contributor.author | Jonsson, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Joram, C | en |
dc.contributor.author | Juillot, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Kaiser, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Kalmus, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Kapusta, F | en |
dc.contributor.author | Karlsson, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Karvelas, E | en |
dc.contributor.author | Katsanevas, S | en |
dc.contributor.author | Katsoufis, E | en |
dc.contributor.author | Keranen, R | en |
dc.contributor.author | Khomenko, B | en |
dc.contributor.author | Khovanski, N | en |
dc.contributor.author | King, B | en |
dc.contributor.author | Kjaer, N | en |
dc.contributor.author | Klein, H | en |
dc.contributor.author | Klovning, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Kluit, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Koehne, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Koene, B | en |
dc.contributor.author | Kokkinias, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Koratzinos, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Korcyl, K | en |
dc.contributor.author | Kostioukhine, V | en |
dc.contributor.author | Kourkoumelis, C | en |
dc.contributor.author | Kouznetsov, O | en |
dc.contributor.author | Kramer, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Krammer, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Kreuter, C | en |
dc.contributor.author | Krolikowski, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Kronkvist, I | en |
dc.contributor.author | Krumstein, Z | en |
dc.contributor.author | Krupinski, W | en |
dc.contributor.author | Kubinec, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Kucewicz, W | en |
dc.contributor.author | Kurvinen, K | en |
dc.contributor.author | Lacasta, C | en |
dc.contributor.author | Laktineh, I | en |
dc.contributor.author | Lamblot, S | en |
dc.contributor.author | Lamsa, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Lanceri, L | en |
dc.contributor.author | Langefeld, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Lapin, V | en |
dc.contributor.author | Last, I | en |
dc.contributor.author | Laugier, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Lauhakangas, R | en |
dc.contributor.author | Leder, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Ledroit, F | en |
dc.contributor.author | Lefebure, V | en |
dc.contributor.author | Legan, C | en |
dc.contributor.author | Leitner, R | en |
dc.contributor.author | Lemoigne, Y | en |
dc.contributor.author | Lemonne, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Lenzen, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Lepeltier, V | en |
dc.contributor.author | Lesiak, T | en |
dc.contributor.author | Liko, D | en |
dc.contributor.author | Lindner, R | en |
dc.contributor.author | Lipniacka, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Lippi, I | en |
dc.contributor.author | Loerstad, B | en |
dc.contributor.author | Lokajicek, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Loken, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Lopez, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Lopez-Fernandez, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Aguera, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Loukas, D | en |
dc.contributor.author | Lutz, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Lyons, L | en |
dc.contributor.author | MacNaughton, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Maehlum, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Maio, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Malychev, V | en |
dc.contributor.author | Mandl, F | en |
dc.contributor.author | Marco, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Marechal, B | en |
dc.contributor.author | Margoni, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Marin, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Mariotti, C | en |
dc.contributor.author | Markou, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Maron, T | en |
dc.contributor.author | Martinez-Rivero, C | en |
dc.contributor.author | Martinez-Vidal, F | en |
dc.contributor.author | Garcia, S | en |
dc.contributor.author | Matorras, F | en |
dc.contributor.author | Matteuzzi, C | en |
dc.contributor.author | Matthiae, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Mazzucato, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Cubbin, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Kay, R | en |
dc.contributor.author | Nulty, R | en |
dc.contributor.author | Medbo, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Meroni, C | en |
dc.contributor.author | Meyer, W | en |
dc.contributor.author | Miagkov, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Michelotto, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Migliore, E | en |
dc.contributor.author | Mirabito, L | en |
dc.contributor.author | Mjoernmark, U | en |
dc.contributor.author | Moa, T | en |
dc.contributor.author | Moeller, R | en |
dc.contributor.author | Moenig, K | en |
dc.contributor.author | Monge, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Morettini, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Mueller, H | en |
dc.contributor.author | Mundim, L | en |
dc.contributor.author | Murray, W | en |
dc.contributor.author | Muryn, B | en |
dc.contributor.author | Myatt, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Naraghi, F | en |
dc.contributor.author | Navarria, F | en |
dc.contributor.author | Navas, S | en |
dc.contributor.author | Negri, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Nemecek, S | en |
dc.contributor.author | Neumann, W | en |
dc.contributor.author | Neumeister, N | en |
dc.contributor.author | Nicolaidou, R | en |
dc.contributor.author | Nielsen, B | en |
dc.contributor.author | Nieuwenhuizen, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Nikolaenko, V | en |
dc.contributor.author | Niss, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Nomerotski, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Normand, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Oberschulte-Beckmann, W | en |
dc.contributor.author | Obraztsov, V | en |
dc.contributor.author | Olshevski, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Onofre, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Orava, R | en |
dc.contributor.author | Osterberg, K | en |
dc.contributor.author | Ouraou, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Paganini, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Paganoni, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Pages, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Palka, H | en |
dc.contributor.author | Papadopoulou, T | en |
dc.contributor.author | Pape, L | en |
dc.contributor.author | Parkes, C | en |
dc.contributor.author | Parodi, F | en |
dc.contributor.author | Passeri, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Pegoraro, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Peralta, L | en |
dc.contributor.author | Pernegger, H | en |
dc.contributor.author | Pernicka, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Perrotta, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Petridou, C | en |
dc.contributor.author | Petrolini, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Phillips, H | en |
dc.contributor.author | Piana, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Pierre, F | en |
dc.contributor.author | Pimenta, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Plaszczynski, S | en |
dc.contributor.author | Podobrin, O | en |
dc.contributor.author | Pol, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Polok, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Poropat, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Pozdniakov, V | en |
dc.contributor.author | Prest, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Privitera, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Pukhaeva, N | en |
dc.contributor.author | Pullia, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Radojicic, D | en |
dc.contributor.author | Ragazzi, S | en |
dc.contributor.author | Rahmani, H | en |
dc.contributor.author | Rames, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Ratoff, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Read, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Reale, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Rebecchi, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Redaelli, N | en |
dc.contributor.author | Regler, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Reid, D | en |
dc.contributor.author | Renton, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Resvanis, L | en |
dc.contributor.author | Richard, F | en |
dc.contributor.author | Richardson, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Ridky, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Rinaudo, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Ripp, I | en |
dc.contributor.author | Romero, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Roncagliolo, I | en |
dc.contributor.author | Ronchese, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Roos, L | en |
dc.contributor.author | Rosenberg, E | en |
dc.contributor.author | Rosso, E | en |
dc.contributor.author | Roudeau, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Rovelli, T | en |
dc.contributor.author | Ruckstuhl, W | en |
dc.contributor.author | Ruhlmann-Kleider, V | en |
dc.contributor.author | Ruiz, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Rybicki, K | en |
dc.contributor.author | Saarikko, H | en |
dc.contributor.author | Sacquin, Y | en |
dc.contributor.author | Sadovsky, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Sajot, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Salt, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Sanchez, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Sannino, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Schneider, H | en |
dc.contributor.author | Schyns, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Sciolla, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Scuri, F | en |
dc.contributor.author | Sedykh, Y | en |
dc.contributor.author | Segar, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Seitz, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Sekulin, R | en |
dc.contributor.author | Shellard, R | en |
dc.contributor.author | Siccama, I | en |
dc.contributor.author | Siegrist, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Simonetti, S | en |
dc.contributor.author | Simonetto, F | en |
dc.contributor.author | Sisakian, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Sitar, B | en |
dc.contributor.author | Skaali, T | en |
dc.contributor.author | Smadja, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Smirnov, N | en |
dc.contributor.author | Smirnova, O | en |
dc.contributor.author | Smith, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Sosnowski, R | en |
dc.contributor.author | Souza-Santos, D | en |
dc.contributor.author | Spassov, T | en |
dc.contributor.author | Spiriti, E | en |
dc.contributor.author | Sponholz, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Squarcia, S | en |
dc.contributor.author | Stanescu, C | en |
dc.contributor.author | Stapnes, S | en |
dc.contributor.author | Stavitski, I | en |
dc.contributor.author | Stepaniak, K | en |
dc.contributor.author | Stichelbaut, F | en |
dc.contributor.author | Stocchi, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Strauss, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Strub, R | en |
dc.contributor.author | Stugu, B | en |
dc.contributor.author | Szczekowski, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Szeptycka, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Tabarelli, T | en |
dc.contributor.author | Tavernet, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Tchikilev, O | en |
dc.contributor.author | Tilquin, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Timmermans, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Tkatchev, L | en |
dc.contributor.author | Todorov, T | en |
dc.contributor.author | Toet, D | en |
dc.contributor.author | Tomaradze, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Tome, B | en |
dc.contributor.author | Tortora, L | en |
dc.contributor.author | Transtromer, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Treille, D | en |
dc.contributor.author | Trischuk, W | en |
dc.contributor.author | Tristram, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Trombini, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Troncon, C | en |
dc.contributor.author | Tsirou, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Turluer, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Tyapkin, I | en |
dc.contributor.author | Tyndel, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Tzamarias, S | en |
dc.contributor.author | Ueberschaer, B | en |
dc.contributor.author | Ullaland, O | en |
dc.contributor.author | Uvarov, V | en |
dc.contributor.author | Valenti, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Vallazza, E | en |
dc.contributor.author | Velde, C | en |
dc.contributor.author | Apeldoorn, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Dam, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Doninck, W | en |
dc.contributor.author | Eldik, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Vassilopoulos, N | en |
dc.contributor.author | Vegni, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Ventura, L | en |
dc.contributor.author | Venus, W | en |
dc.contributor.author | Verbeure, F | en |
dc.contributor.author | Verlato, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Vertogradov, L | en |
dc.contributor.author | Vilanova, D | en |
dc.contributor.author | Vincent, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Vitale, L | en |
dc.contributor.author | Vlasov, E | en |
dc.contributor.author | Vodopyanov, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Vrba, V | en |
dc.contributor.author | Wahlen, H | en |
dc.contributor.author | Walck, C | en |
dc.contributor.author | Waldner, F | en |
dc.contributor.author | Weierstall, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Weilhammer, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Wetherell, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Wicke, D | en |
dc.contributor.author | Wickens, J | en |
dc.contributor.author | Wielers, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Wilkinson, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Williams, W | en |
dc.contributor.author | Winter, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Witek, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Woschnagg, K | en |
dc.contributor.author | Yip, K | en |
dc.contributor.author | Yushchenko, O | en |
dc.contributor.author | Zach, F | en |
dc.contributor.author | Zacharatou, C | en |
dc.contributor.author | Zalewska, A | en |
dc.contributor.author | Zalewski, P | en |
dc.contributor.author | Zavrtanik, D | en |
dc.contributor.author | Zevgolatakos, E | en |
dc.contributor.author | Zimin, N | en |
dc.contributor.author | Zito, M | en |
dc.contributor.author | Zontar, D | en |
dc.contributor.author | Zuberi, R | en |
dc.contributor.author | Zucchelli, G | en |
dc.contributor.author | Zumerle, G | en |
dc.date.accessioned | 2014-03-01T01:43:01Z | |
dc.date.available | 2014-03-01T01:43:01Z | |
dc.date.issued | 1995 | en |
dc.identifier.uri | https://dspace.lib.ntua.gr/xmlui/handle/123456789/24012 | |
dc.title | A measurement of the photon structure functionF 2 γ at an averageQ 2 of 12 GeV2/c 4 | en |
heal.type | journalArticle | en |
heal.identifier.primary | 10.1007/BF02907402 | en |
heal.identifier.secondary | http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF02907402 | en |
heal.publicationDate | 1995 | en |
heal.journalName | European Physical Journal C | en |
dc.identifier.doi | 10.1007/BF02907402 | en |
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