heal.abstract |
Laboratory- and full-scale experiments were conducted to investigate the use of anaerobic selectors for control of nocardioform organisms in activated sludge. The laboratory-scale, anaerobic-selector, activated-sludge system, which exhibited enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) at a 2.4-day total mean cell retention time (MCRT) with a pH of 6.3, a temperature of 20 °C, and an anaerobic selector hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 50 minutes, controlled nocardioforms to below detectable levels whereas nocardioforms were present in a completely mixed control. The full-scale, anaerobic- selector, activated-sludge system performing EBPR at a 3.5-day average MCRT, average temperature of 20 °C, and anaerobic selector HRT of 17 to 24 minutes reduced nocardioform organism levels below those achieved when the full-scale plant was operated at conditions that did not permit EBPR (i.e., MCRT of 1.7 days and anaerobic selector HRT of less than 19 minutes). In the full-scale plant, the lowest nocardioform organism levels and effluent dissolved orthophosphate concentrations were associated with the highest MCRT tested (4.6 days).Laboratory- and full-scale experiments were conducted to investigate the use of anaerobic selectors for control of nocardioform organisms in activated sludge. The laboratory-scale, anaerobic-selector, activated-sludge system, which exhibited enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) at a 2.4-day total mean cell retention time (MCRT) with a pH of 6.3, a temperature of 20 °C, and an anaerobic selector hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 50 minutes, controlled nocardioforms to below detectable levels whereas nocardioforms were present in a completely mixed control. The full-scale, anaerobic-selector, activated-sludge system performing EBPR at a 3.5-day average MCRT, average temperature of 20 °C, and anaerobic selector HRT of 17 to 24 minutes reduced nocardioform organism levels below those achieved when the full-scale plant was operated at conditions that did not permit EBPR (i.e., MCRT of 1.7 days and anaerobic selector HRT of less than 19 minutes). In the full-scale plant, the lowest nocardioform organism levels and effluent dissolved ortho-phosphate concentrations were associated with the highest MCRT tested (4.6 days). |
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