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Contents of Pt and Pd were determined in weakly mineralized rocks, ores, and flotation concentrates of the Aksug porphyry Cu-Mo deposit, northeastern Tuva. In all studied samples they are above the detection limits: Pt = 17-96 ppb and Pd = 9-924 ppb. These elements are unevenly distributed throughout the rocks and ores, with Pd/Pt varying from 0.5 to 37. Study of Pd-rich ores (up to 924 ppb, Pd/Pt = 37) on a JEOL JSM 5600 scanning electron microscope revealed finest (2-5 mu m) merenskyite inclusions (25.20% Pd, 1.21% Pt, 72.31% Te) in chalcopyrite. The calculated crystallochernical formula of merenskyite from ores of the Aksug deposit is (Pd(0.862)Pt(0.023)Cu(0.026)Feo(0.025))Te-2.064.The merenskyite is associated with electrum (79.92% Au, 18.96% Ag), monazite, cobaltite, tennantite, and Sr-containing barite (4.6-18.0% Sr). Palladium mineralization occurs in massive chatcopyrite veinlets in zones of intensely propylitized rocks. The Devonian Aksug ore-bearing porphyry complex developed in the field of Early-Middle Cambrian intrusions of gabbro-diorite-plagiogranites associated with basalt-andesite effusions of island-arc complex. This might have led to high PGE contents in the Aksug rocks. The deposit formation proceeded with the participation of ore-bearing Cl-enriched fluids favoring the concentration and transport of PGE in porphyry copper systems. (C) 2007, IGM, Siberian Branch of the RAS. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. |
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