Modeling instruction in an environmental geotechnics course

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dc.contributor.author Pantazidou, M en
dc.contributor.author Steif, PS en
dc.date.accessioned 2014-03-01T02:51:45Z
dc.date.available 2014-03-01T02:51:45Z
dc.date.issued 2008 en
dc.identifier.issn 08950563 en
dc.identifier.uri https://dspace.lib.ntua.gr/xmlui/handle/123456789/35622
dc.subject.other Analytical solutions en
dc.subject.other Engineering tasks en
dc.subject.other Exam questions en
dc.subject.other Explicit modeling en
dc.subject.other Geotechnics en
dc.subject.other Governing equations en
dc.subject.other Instructional materials en
dc.subject.other Learning outcome en
dc.subject.other Modeling process en
dc.subject.other Numerical solution en
dc.subject.other Physical systems en
dc.subject.other Work-in-progress en
dc.subject.other Education en
dc.subject.other Parameter estimation en
dc.subject.other Models en
dc.title Modeling instruction in an environmental geotechnics course en
heal.type conferenceItem en
heal.identifier.primary 10.1061/40971(310)99 en
heal.identifier.secondary http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/40971(310)99 en
heal.publicationDate 2008 en
heal.abstract Although modeling of physical systems is a key engineering task, the educational literature provides little guidance on how to systematically include modeling exercises in instruction. To this end, this paper presents work-in-progress involving the introduction of a framework of modeling in an environmental geotechnics course. The framework unpacks the components of the modeling process, placing particular emphasis on the simplifications made when considering relevant phenomena, determining parameters and variables, specifying geometry and boundary conditions, selecting and solving governing equations. Explicit modeling instruction required modification of learning outcomes and corresponding revisions of instructional material, example problems and exam questions. The development of a larger-scale term project is underway, designed so that students gain confidence when selecting different levels of approximations, through comparisons of numerical solutions at different degrees of idealization with simplified analytical solutions. Copyright ASCE 2008. en
heal.journalName Geotechnical Special Publication en
dc.identifier.doi 10.1061/40971(310)99 en
dc.identifier.issue 178 en
dc.identifier.spage 797 en
dc.identifier.epage 804 en

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