heal.abstract |
In the rst part of this work, we design the algorithm for ECG signal analysis and classi-
cation and implement it in Matab environment. The database chosen as source for ECG
recordings is the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia database, provided by PhysioNet. The structure
of the algorithm consists of the following stages: ltering, heartbeat detection, heartbeat
segmentation, feature extraction, classi cation. The input is an ECG signal, it is ltered,
the heartbeats included in it are detected, the signal is segmented into beats, features are
extracted from each beat, and the output of the nal stage is a label (Normal or Abnormal)
for each heartbeat. For the implementation of these stages we used Matlab built-in
functions, the LIBSVM library for the SVM classi er used, and also functions provided by
PhysioNet in the WFDB Matlab toolkit. The classi cation stage consists of a SVM classi er,
a supervised machine learning method. We use annotations les included in the database,
which provide diagnosis labeling of each heartbeat included in each ECG recording, done
by doctors. The problem detected at this point of the analysis, is that there is a mismatch
in the heartbeats detected in a recording by the functions provided in the toolkit, and the
heartbeats annotated by the doctors. This happens because heartbeat detectors fail to detect
all heartbeats and some false detections also take place. We overcome this problem by
forming a procedure that allows us to match the correctly detected heartbeats with their
corresponding labels in the annotation les. Next, we perform a design space exploration
over di erent features extracted from the signal in the feature extraction stage. We use
discrete wavelet transform as feature extraction method. These features serve as input for
the classi cation stage. The metrics used to decide upon the best design are the accuracy
and computational cost of the classi cation stage.
In the second part of the analysis, we suggest the addition of an extra stage to the algorithmic
structure. This stage is placed right before the nal classi cation stage, and consists
of an SVM classi er that would take as input the features extracted in the previous stage
and classify the heartbeats as true or false detections. True beats will continue to the nal
stage, while false beats will be discarded. A design space exploration is performed similarly
as done in the initial structure.
In the last part of the analysis, the initial algorithmic
ow is implemented on the Intel IoT
based Galileo board. To do so, the algorithm is converted in C code. In its nal form,
the program reads sample by sample a digitized at 360 samples per second ECG signal,
and the analysis
ow is executed for every set of 3000 samples that is read. The 10 best
con gurations, the 10 most demanding in computational cost con gurations, as well as 11
con gurations from inbetween, as resulted from the design space exploration in the rst part
of the work, were implemented on the Galileo board. The accuracies achieved were above
satisfactory, and the computational cost was such so that the ECG analysis and classi cation
can be performed in real-time. |
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