LHC1: A semiconductor pixel detector readout chip with internal, tunable delay providing a binary pattern of selected events
Heijne, EHM; Antinori, F; Barberis, D; Becks, KH; Beker, H; Beusch, W; Burger, P; Campbell, M; Cantatore, E; Catanesi, MG; Chesi, E; Darbo, G; DAuria, S; DaVia, C; DiBari, D; DiLiberto, S; Gys, T; Humpston, G; Jacholkowski, A; Jaeger, JJ; Jakubek, J; Jarron, P; Klempt, W; Krummenacher, F; Knudson, K; Kubasta, J; Lassalle, JC; Leitner, R; Lemeilleur, F; Lenti, V; Letheren, M; Lisowski, B; Lopez, L; Loukas, D; Luptak, M; Martinengo, P; Meddeler, G; Meddi, F; Middelkamp, P; Morando, M; Morettini, P; Munns, A; Musico, P; Pellegrini, F; Pengg, F; Pospisil, S; Quercigh, E; Ridky, J; Rossi, L; Safarik, K; Scharfetter, L; Segato, G; Simone, S; Smith, K; Snoeys, W; Sobczynski, C; Stastny, J; Vrba, V
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