Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία αποσκοπεί στηνν εισαγωγή μιας σειράς εργαλείων για τηνν κάλυψη
του κενού μεταξύ του αρχιτεκτονικού και του στατικού σχεδιασμού, συνδυάζοντας εργαλεία
λογισμικού που είναι ήδη διαθέσιμα και στουσ δυο κλάδους, έτσι ώστε να διαχειριστούν και να
επιλύσουν κατά το βέλτιστο δυνατό τρόπο τις κατασκευές.
This thesis aims to introduce a series of tools to bridge the gap between architectural and structural
design, combining software tools already available in both sectors to deal with and resolve the
constructions in the best possible way.
The first chapter refers to the difficulty engineers face providing fast and efficient structural
information to structures composed of free form surfaces.
The second chapter refers to free form design structures and presents some examples of such
structures. It also emphasizes on how parametric design applies to structures.
The third chapter presents the software that was used during this thesis.
The fourth chapter presents the architectural design of a trussed cantilever. It uses a combination of
the objects provided by a parametric simulation tool called Grasshopper, with a series of commands
written in the programming language C#.
The fifth chapter refers to the process of structural analysis of the trussed cantilever. It also presents
a complete example of structural analysis in a form of the cantilever.
In the sixth chapter the parametric form of the cantilever is utilized. It presents the fluctuation in
weight of the construction according to the static height of the cantilever. It also refers to the
fluctuation in weight of the construction according to the distance of the initial and endpoint of the
cantilever (in a vertical direction to the longitudinal axis of the cantilever).
The seventh chapter presents the architectural design of a trussed bridge. It uses a combination of
the objects provided by a parametric simulation tool called Grasshopper, with a series of commands
written in the programming language C#.
The eighth chapter refers to the process of structural analysis of the trussed bridge. It also presents a
complete example of structural analysis in a form of the bridge.
In the ninth chapter the parametric form of the bridge is utilized. It presents the fluctuation in weight
of the construction according to the static height of the bridge. It also refers to the fluctuation in
weight of the construction according to the distance of the initial and endpoint of the bridge (in a
vertical direction to the longitudinal axis of the bridge).