Development of a methodology for the estimation of the dynamic evolution of the flood-related hydrological behavior of periurban catchments under post-fire conditions
DSpace/Manakin Repository
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Development of a methodology for the estimation of the dynamic evolution of the flood-related hydrological behavior of periurban catchments under post-fire conditions
Title:Development of a methodology for the estimation of the dynamic evolution of the flood-related hydrological behavior of periurban catchments under post-fire conditions; Ανάπτυξη μεθοδολογίας εκτίμησης της δυναμικής εξέλιξης πλημμυρικού κινδύνου στο χρόνο σε περιαστικό περιβάλλον υπό μεταπυρικές συνθήκες