Ηow Perceived Organizational Support (POS), Perceived Supervisor Support (PSS), Core Self-Evaluation (CSE), Transactional Psychological Contract (TPC) and Relational Psychological Contract (RPC) impact on Affective Organizational Commitment (AOC) and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB).
DSpace/Manakin Repository
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Ηow Perceived Organizational Support (POS), Perceived Supervisor Support (PSS), Core Self-Evaluation (CSE), Transactional Psychological Contract (TPC) and Relational Psychological Contract (RPC) impact on Affective Organizational Commitment (AOC) and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB).
Title:Ηow Perceived Organizational Support (POS), Perceived Supervisor Support (PSS), Core Self-Evaluation (CSE), Transactional Psychological Contract (TPC) and Relational Psychological Contract (RPC) impact on Affective Organizational Commitment (AOC) and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB).; Η επίδραση της Αντιλαμβανόμενης Υποστήριξης του Οργανισμού και του Προϊσταμένου, του Συναλλακτικού και του Σχεσιακού Ψυχολογικού Συμβολαίου και της Αυτό-αξιολόγησης στην Συναισθηματική Οργανωσιακή Δέσμευση και στην Φιλότιμη Οργανωσιακή Συμπεριφορά.